Showing posts with label postures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label postures. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Qigong Postures and Postural Alignment Correction with the Egoscue Method

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 Age: October 12, 1999
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 Rank: 1841
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 Age: October 12, 1999
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 Rank: 1841
 Price: 749670
The development of good qigong posture and alignments can be aided with cross-training using the Egoscue Method, developed by Pete Egoscue. His method can be adapted to people that have various body types and pain experiences. The exercises and stretches emphasize correct alignment and are based, in part, on your current posture.

I have used this method in the past and have incorporated various of the stretches and exercises to help correct postural mis-alignments that occur due to bad habits (like sitting too long in front of the computer writing articles). It is a method that definitely works, which is why I keep going back to it on a regular basis. I highly recommend looking at the video produced recently. A link to that video is given to the left.

Qigong standing meditation postures will reinforce correct postural alignment, starting with the wu wei posture where the hands rest at the sides. In this regard, I suggest looking at a recent post on Master Lam Kam Chuen's videos for various standing postures. This is a 10-video series on Youtube that includes some of the Eight Pieces Brocade qigong.  The series is meant to be practiced over a 10-day period to familiarize yourself with various standing postures and their benefits. All of the exercises are discussed in further detail in the blog post and in the book by Master Lam, "The Way of Energy."

Doing both methods simultaneously is a slam-dunk for improving your health. Poor postural alignment is the cause of many different health problems that people experience as they get older.  Doing both as an exercise routine can also increase your total body awareness and help correct long-term bad habits that prevent you from functioning at an optimal level.  So, if you want to live longer and with more vitality, correct your posture! 

Final exercise recommendations:  Be conscious of your breathing and follow the Taoist water method of doing exercises, which means to go into the exercise routine being gentle on your body.  Doing excessive repetitions of the exercises is not for everybody. Doing the full exercise routine should only be done as your body strength allows.  So, do the number of repetitions that you can do, but do all of the exercises in the routine to get a rounded and complete set.  "No pain, no gain," is a ridiculous phrase that has no application when you are using qigong for improving health.